Chelsea's Blog

Last Minute Zoom Writing Hootenannies

Last minute Zoom class announcement!

So I missed my flight to Florida on Monday. The good news is that I find myself with an unscheduled week. So I’ve decided to host two last minute Zoom writing hootenannies.



I see you. You have an itch. Maybe you have been nursing a story for years. Maybe you journal or write non-fiction. But that story. How do you get it out of your head? This class will focus on simple direct fiction tools. That took me ten years to learn. I can teach you six or seven of these in a few hours that will save you SO MUCH TIME. There are tricks to this. And these tricks are not taught in schools. They aren’t even taught in MFA programs. 


Friday, Sept 20

6-8:30pm (Pacific) Zoom. 

Fee: $250 



This is a class for people who have written some fiction, published or not. But you’ve given fiction writing some thought. You have the basics down. This is the next level of conversation. The special gold plated tools we keep in the red velvet box under the bed. 


Saturday, Sept 21

6-8:30pm (Pacific) Zoom. 

Fee: $250



Don’t overthink it. Just sign up. I teach these classes, but almost NEVER make them public. Venmo me at @Chelsea-Cain-11 to reserve your seat. I’ll message you with my email address. Then you will receive a class email. And I’ll see you on Zoom!